When you're so wasted that you fail to pronounce "Bro" so you just say "Boo"
"Boo can you pass the blunt?"
"Stop drinking for now, you're already wasted af Boo"
Use 1: Spookiest most spoopy thing ever.
Use 2: What you call your significant other. I find it cringe.
Use 3: What the crowd said to you about your talent at the school talent show.
Person 1: Boo!
Person 2: Dude, don’t scare me like that
boo is a blue blanket with a snail on is stomach, it belongs to alice
where’s boo gone?
Hailing from SD.
Describing something in a good or bad manner. Depends on context used.
That’s boo as fuck= good as fuck, straight as fuck
Hella boo= Hella straight, solid, valid
Not boo= not good, burnt, bad
Boo as fuck
Hella boo
Not boo
This shit boo as fuck