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drb clown

drb is a clown enough said

drb clown drb is the biggest clown ever in the world

by str881 February 9, 2022

Clown to clown communication

This is the type of talking that occurs in organisations, typically, between Marketing and Finance departments.

Whatever is said is generally not logical or contains substance. The main purpose is for humour.

Let's stop the tomfoolery and clown to clown communication we need the financial overview for our marketing pitch by the end of today

by killymilly31 March 10, 2023

clown trash

Material items or other goods likely to be consumed or flaunted by individuals fitting the description of a clown. Can also include intellectual property or non material items.

Low quality, low cost items which are purchased in bulk from potentially unreputable suppliers, branded, marked up, and resold in online marketplaces, by similarly reputable sellers. These items may not have supply chains that promote long term customer satisfaction, sustainability, or human rights.

Content widely available on media platforms that adds little to no value to consumers, in many cases even being detrimental. It serves no other purpose than to garner attention, and it will pursue this goal at the expense of every other resource.

Seth - Hey check out these new bluetooth speakers I got on prime day, 4 for 1 can you believe it!?

Paul - Yeah man, they sure sound like they were a discount. Get out of here with that clown trash.

Seth - But this tiktok said they were the best! They even work under water, only weird thing is all the permissions they're asking for. Not sure why speakers need my contacts, location, and credit cards but oh well.

Paul - ...

by kingtrash August 19, 2021

Clown hunt

When you and your local boys are going out on a hunt for clowns

Oi Bruv wanna get the g's out and go for a cheeky clown hunt while popping xanies so we can finally get over our depression?

by Liam Byrne October 18, 2016

political clown

1. a person uber loyal to his/her political affiliation or regardless of wrong doing.

2. loyalty to a single politician instead of the political affiliation's cause.

1. The parties are like Batman vs Joker, they contradict each other instead of working to move forward, don't be a political clown, they're just using you as their pawn.

2. A: He is the best politician ever! I'll vote for her again.

B: She's doing it for her own good, not the good of the city. Don't fall for that non-sense. Don't be a political clown.

by ddddddd999999 June 18, 2021


A destination that is such a waste of your time that you can't attach a value to it.

"I got stuck driving around with my dad the other day."
"Where'd you go?"
"Rent-A-Clown. Complete fucking waste of my day."

by Justim August 4, 2008

This was made for sad_wabbit on Instagram because he looks like a monkey and wants to clown on others for their religion (he told me to write a book about why we should respect others beliefs)

In a world as vast and diverse as ours, belief systems vary greatly, each adding a unique hue to the fabric of humanity. From major religions to indigenous spiritualities, our world is rich with different perspectives. Beneath this tapestry lies a common thread: the human longing for meaning and connection.

At the core of every religion lies compassion, whether through Christianity's Golden Rule, Islam's emphasis on charity, or Buddhism's teachings on loving-kindness. Mocking beliefs disregards this value, fostering division.

In facing global challenges, unity and cooperation are crucial. Respecting each other's beliefs builds bridges, transcending divides and promoting understanding. This fosters a society that is resilient, inclusive, and compassionate.

Mockery sends a ripple effect of negativity and division, fueling conflicts and atrocities. Conversely, tolerance creates a culture of respect and understanding, promoting healing and reconciliation.

While freedom of expression is vital, it must be tempered by respect and civility. Hate speech spreads misinformation and leads to real-world violence. Upholding tolerance ensures everyone can express themselves freely.

Despite differences, universal truths unite us: the desire for happiness, peace, and meaning. Focusing on commonalities fosters a shared humanity, breaking down barriers and building bridges of understanding and solidarity.

This was made for sad_wabbit on Instagram because he looks like a monkey and wants to clown on others for their religion (he told me to write a book about why we should respect others beliefs)

by Weeb.exe1 March 7, 2024