This day only occurs once every four year, such as today (Thursday 29th February 2024) as it is a leap day, a leap year. The reason this date exists is because the Earth takes 365 days and an extra 6 hours per year to revolve and every 4 years, that adds up to 24 hours, or a whole day, this is why this extra day occurs. Likewise, many are born on this date so someone who is 100 years old, will be celebrating their 25th official birthday! Jah Rule turns 48 today but technically, it's his 12th birthday. Anyway, happy February 29th people!!!
Me: Hey Bob, it's February 29th today!
Bob: So?
Me: February 29th only occurs once every four years and it's happening today!
Bob: Oh My God dude, that's so freaking cool!
Me: I know right!?
If you were born then you are special. You have very special birthday because your birthday happens every four years.
Be nice to February 29ths
National give your gf, bf, or crush a kiss day.
On February 29th kiss your bf, gf, or crush.
boy say yes day every boy has to say yes to anything and every thing
girl:hey do you want to go out you have to say yes becuse it february 6th
2👍 1👎
Today is the birthday of the most gorgeous girl ever , she wins the best mum award every day also the best hair award annoyingly. She is super funny and stubborn but at the end of the day she is the life of the party.
Oml it's the 8th of February it's taylas birthday
it's 8th of February!! That means it's the birthday of the most gorgeous girl ever , aswell as the greatest mum and the winner of the best hair award every day annoyingly , she is stubborn but continues to be the life of the party wherever she goes .
Holy shit it's the 8th of February that means it's this hot chicks bday
Girl say yes day girls well have to say yes to anything and almost everything this day
I'm so excited for February 8th