When a company charges your credit card, often repeatedly, and after you have set a limit on how much you intended to spend with them, or cancelled the service, based on fine print without notifications.
My boostrapped startup almost got pushed into insolvency because of AWS and Linkedin's scumbag billing policies.
Balenci bill is a phrase to describe somebody like you would if you were to describe Lil b. Balenci Bill is an ideology and the ability to make fire music, fire beats, fuck a lot of bitches, be a trap life lover, D9 prophet and most importantly the ability to get a shit ton of money. Also Balenci Bill is all about doing as little as possible unless you are making money or all the above said about fucking bitches and shit
Holy shit, that is balenci bill the holy trap lord that makes a shit ton of money and produces some of the best beats and music in the whole wolrd
Scientists theorize that it stands for Bill Devious Rog Incredible Not Kool
He’s having a bit of a Bill Drink
A phrase used to sarcastically call someone a savage. Commonly used after someone attempts to roast someone else and fails terribly
Person 1:"Travon you got a face that only a mother could love...too bad she don't "
Person 2:"Yeah well...you're pretty ugly too"
Person 1:"Wow you're such a No Chill Bill"
A drink often given to a woman that contains a date rape drug.
You probably shouldn't drink that . That creepy dude just sprinkled something in it. Its probably less of a vodka martini and more of a Bill Cosmo now.
A guy that likes to chase kids into his white van then bring his sex toys with him and yell .
When you’re either constipated, or it’s humid, (or both) and your brow begins to sweat. You accidentally (or intentionally) wipe your brow with used toilet paper. Causing you to instantly grow a unibrow like Bill Berry (Drummer for REM)
Stuart didn’t have enough fiber. He’s currently squeezing one out on the shitter. He’s so daft, he just wiped the sweat off his brow with shit stained toilet tissue. He just morphed into Bill Berry