An agreement with proceeding with something. Usually in response to a sentence involving let's.
The yeah can be exchanged for anything. For example:
Sure. Let's.
Yes. Let's.
or just simply remove the Yeah and just saying Let's.
Jim: Let's make a bomb.
Bob: Yeah. Let's.
This phrase is code for “Let’s have sex.”
Hey Luke, let’s play Valorant in my dorm room. My roommates are gone, so we can be as loud as we want to be.
When a big assed girl (especially those named Susan) lets their fucking rangoon filled tits out for all to see. Done especially in swimming pools and at nude beaches.
Man: Oh fuck! Is she really gonna do it?!
Other man: She’s really gonna fucking do it! She’s letting the birds out!
Susan: Hey boys, want some rangoon loaded fuckers!?
Let's ho this!
definition; to say let's ho this! in a sentence, expressing a understanding, that it is time for some action, in this context, i feel comfortable and confident, that we can pull this off and get that job, task, thing, done meaning: sell something. Let's ho this!
Let's ho this:
- let us sell these beautiful things, so we can feel valued and make big money.
- Dude, i'm doing nothing let's ho this!
- ...mmmm...yes, let's ho this!
Wank tosspot MBA phase to 'motivate' perceived lesser individuals
speads virally, thrives in an environment of nerdy dead arsery
Me: Look arse, this report is still arsefest, I'm outahere
Boss: ok, Lets DO something! (You stay late and work your arse off, whilst I continue counting my money)
Me: Ok, you do something cunt. Swivel on my stapler, take a spin on me hole-puncher, take your MBA and shove it up your arse.. etc etc
: to give, attack, or put forth
reprimand, reprimanding
other ways of saying "let em at em" are; "Let them have it" or " Let them have them"
The boy said "I'll back you up dude". To which one could say "Let em at em".
When you give hot sloppies to the person who asked to play. After that it's a 3 hour hard-core anal session
Tim: hey Jim let's play minecraft!
Jim: are fine but only for a little. My girlfriend is getting suspicious of me