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Master beef

A buffed chief

dang boi, he thicccccccc
supa thiccc masta chef
master beef deez nutz

by Master beef 6900000000 February 17, 2022

Master beef


420 is master beef 22scoobydoo

by Croc68520 November 25, 2021

Corn Teeth Master

He is major Pedophile and His Name iS Gavin Sheehan. He Cares about Making Money and fuckign Kids. He Is a Insane Fortnite Player His Duo is Beam who Likes Sharpies.

Gavin Is a Corn teeth Master

by GenIsaSchoolShooter April 8, 2022

master yee

master yee - your father who never lets you have any fun

cant play video games right now master yee is going ham

by bigcat420 April 22, 2019

Awaken my masters

How to wake up a bunch of huge buff Aztec fitness gods and make them play dubstep- also effective to kill people named mark.

Guy not named mark: “AWAKEN MY MASTERS!!!”

Buff guys encased on stone: “AYAYAYAYAYAYY”

Mark: “how could you..”

by GenosCyborg September 30, 2023

Puppet master

People that seem to be brilliant and have a strong ability to govern, when really they're mostly there to stick their tentacles in people's lives and pull their strings.

The vaccine shot he/she got in his/her arm was a lot like somewhere to put a string so the puppet master could make him/her dance.

by The Original Agahnim July 23, 2021

1👍 1👎

Puppet master

When you manipulate a person to speak in a certain direction

She's the puppet, and I'm the puppet master.

by Earning a fucking July 13, 2016