A racist term used to describe the nose of a black persons comparing it to that of poop
Nigel you a brown-nose n*****
a release of intestinal gas, especially one that smells particularly bad
That nose-closer was enough to disperse a riot.
The act of putting one partner upside down while the male ejaculates in their nostrils. The partner then sits up draining semen out of the nose giving the effect of a running nose.
"Yeah I gave lucy a reverse runny nose last night"
A man with a nose bigger then that of the Jews. His nose is so big it pokes out from the hood while looking at him from the side. Men with a nose of this side are able to smell three times better then the normal. Usually Italian.
Bobby:That’s one big nose boi
A runny nose that is a result from over drinking
a snoty nose - “I had a snotty nose and know I knows not to over drink”
Pinching someones nose shut with your fingers, or a tool in order to limit their air supply.
Can be done in an innocent matter fueld by adoration or the lust to tease.
However, little to surprise, it's getting more frequent in porn where the dominant controls the submissive.
I.E. bdsm and breathplay, mostly oralsex in order to gain erotic satisfaction.
Lotte was giving so sweet head, and I couldn't refrain from pinching her cute nose softly!
That look she gave me, with her nose pinched and her mouth full!
A look of total surrender and trust!
when you can’t afford a nose job, so you go to colorado and do cocaine instead.
Woah, have you seen Ashley? She looks so coked out. I heard she got a colorado nose job.