When you get hit in the head with a ball cap on and whatever hits you connects with the small smartie shaped button on the top causing immense pain in that localized area.
Joe took a 2x4 right in the smartie, then cried like a little bitch.
Shit homey you would cry like that too..
Word .....
a common homebrewed rule in a number of roleplaying games by which a player may declare an answer to a question if it is acknowledged that the gm is taking too long to give an answer.
ok. we have waited long enough. I'm invoking the time savers right.
You tell me. You're the omniscient one.
God "If you do what is right, will you not be accepted?"
Hym "No. I won't. Because 'what is right' is being arbitrated by people who adhere to my ethic more closely than their own. You know what I think? I don't think Abel's offering was better at all. I think the sin you were talking about when you said 'But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.' was the temptation to kill Abel. It was test. You and I both know that farming is more difficult than sitting on your ass while your sheep fuck each other. And maybe this guy is Cain. I write a Hypertext that is instantiated into multiple cultured (immediately) without even trying. Suddenly, I'm all of these different characters. Songs are written. How would he take his revenge? Imitate God? Place the mark of Cain on my forehead that when I toil nothing will grow? 'DiD yOu EvEn TrY?' I didn't have to. I just sat and watch my sheep fuck."
perfect words to describe an ever-lasting love
Aina loves Ilham right now and forever <3
used to describe an ever-lasting love
Aina will wait for Ilham right now and forever <3
used to explain an ever-lasting love
Aina will wait for Ilham right now and forever <3
Right side high refers to the preferred arm placement when a non-hugger is preparing to be hugged by a friend (or someone who is affectionate and likes to hug).
We are going to hug. Right side high?
Yep. Right side high.