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Kel Mitchell Special

(n) a mixed drink wherein one combines orange soda and vodka in some ratio depending on personal preference

I had so many Kel Mitchell Specials last night that we ran out of all our vodka and orange soda.

by Krunczmasta July 22, 2009

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King Tut Special

A sexual act in which one forciably inserts jagged grains of sand into the urtethra of their partner, preferably with the aid of a straw or ballpoint pain.

Last night at Sven's I got a brutal King Tut Special.

by Matt "Reach Around" Zablocki February 27, 2006

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Frankie special delivery

When a friend named frank has anal sex and then poops all over the wall. He then eats the poop and comes to your house and vomits all over you.

Lwigi: Did you see what happened to frank last night?

Mike: yea, he went to Jorge's house and then came here and gave me a Frankie Special Delivery

Lwigi: lucky!!!

by Jorgous January 26, 2009

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Special Time Spaghetti

Special Time Spaghetti is when a bitch has long abundant pubic hair and is on her period. The dish consists of pubes (the noodles), spaghetti sauce (the period blood), and the meat of course (the succulent uterine lining).

Damn nigga, I had hella Special Time Spaghetti last night. That flow was heavy this month.

by TrollHard October 4, 2017

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Paper Bag Special

In reference to a wing man's position, a Paper Bag Special means to cover the not so pretty face, with a paper bag when engaging sexual activities.
It was also a conversation of the Wing Mans job, that turned into a band name, by some teenagers in Albuquerque New Mexico.

Buddy "Hey, I get the cute blonde, go distract her friend"
Wing Man "Maan, I don't want to look at that"
Buddy "Heres a paper bag"
Wing Man "She's a Paper Bag Special"

by iNaneNihilist August 15, 2008

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how on earth special

the adjective used to describe a hot girl with a whack ass boyfriend

Man, that girl is a how on earth special with her scrubby boyfriend

by kittypuff April 4, 2009

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Moldy Nut Special

When someone licks and sucks the nuts that are dirty and have been unshaven for quite some time while jherkin the gherkin.

Ben - "I haven't shaved or washed my nutsack in such a long time..."

Brian - "Maybe your woman will finally give you a moldy nut special!"

by Danigans July 18, 2010

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