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"πŸ•πŸ•³οΈ" (deep dish pizza)

Basically just saying "Deep dish pizza" but only with emojis.
thats quite literally it

"i want "πŸ•πŸ•³οΈ" (deep dish pizza) ."

by snz_tachi January 3, 2024

glen deep

The Glen Deep can be referred to as a sexual act.

The Glen Deep sexual move can be referred to as shoving your penis so far down a persons throat that they have a crisis of identity and scrambled brain - Like Glen from the walking dead.

I shoved my cock in her throat bro, real deep, like Glen deep.

by Whiteboy wasted November 9, 2017

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the deep is calling

"The deep is calling" is a way to convey your extreme desire for anal with another men.

"the deep is calling bro, come over"

by HelloTheOG February 19, 2024

the deep is calling

You went insane after playing deepwoken too long.


by THE DEEP IS CALLING March 28, 2024

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the deep paso

the embarassing place you find yourself in when someone tricks you into believing something totally outrageous at an unreasonable hour in the morning

Last night when I was talking to Logan on the phone, I was in the deep paso for a good five minutes.

by the.queen.of.being.gullible June 18, 2011

Sacramento Stones Deep

A man will take his entire penis and balls and place them into a womans vagina.

Last weekend after the club I got Sacramento Stones Deep on Becky.

by SacStinker January 24, 2018

Deep throater

Catarina the sexiest Portuguese beaner that turns into a feigner when she sees my wiener

Guy 1:”Damn whos that?”
Zach:”Thats the deep throater cat last night i smashed and made her show me the car fax.”
Guy 1:” Thats right fool youre a lowk.”

by Tinwaysthedisgrace July 6, 2022