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Willy Bitch

A man who is unable to control his sexual urges and submits at the first moment of asking.

Derek won't stop masturbating, he is turning into a willy bitch!

by MeltMan October 2, 2014

Wet Willy in the ass

When a woman sucks a mans dick and then fucks her in the ass

Yeah, I gave the wife a wet willy in the ass last night.

by Tkbagginz July 19, 2021

Willybum Willie

When Willie bum with willie’s Willy bum

Omg Willybum Willie

by Peter Douglas Meagher December 28, 2024

Pink willy

When you finger blast a girl and after you stick your pussy juice soaked finger in her ear

Bro1: dude I totally got my girl a few minutes ago with a mean wet willy
Bro2: yeah? I just gave my girl a fat pink willy.... we're probably breaking up....

by Mypseudonym1234567890987654321 June 20, 2017

eric willis


eric willis gay

by hunterredmond September 12, 2018

Dorkwad Willy Gripper

When you're doing doggystyle and spit on both of your index fingers and then proceed to stick them in your partners ears and twist; delivering a potent wet willy and shocking them into tightening their vagina/anus at the last minute before you ejaculate. Similar in function to a donkey punch although less violent.

Best used right before you finish and on considerably dorky individuals.
An alternative method is to use your fingers in a double fish hook technique to use your partners own spit.

That girl Brooke from school is such a dork, she wanted to smash last night so I hit her with the Dorkwad Willy Gripper.

by Player Hating May 20, 2023

willy nilly

a “shopping cart” or “trolley” as some may say

Gotta go put the willy nilly back before we leave!

by daddylover669 November 7, 2021