a friendly, well-mannered, kind and easy friend. a woman with a beautiful and charming face. a woman who likes making jokes. anis sarah is also an easy-to-approach person.
Hai is this anis sarah ?
You're so good looking
The hottest and highest paid next supermodel in the world. The It girl of the 20s and 30s of the 21 century.
Guy named zach : broo look it Sarah Mesmech
Random guy : who is that
Guy named zach : you don’t know Sarah Mesmech ?????
sarah fiorenza is a baddie. she is so cool even tho she is a noob but fr she slays everywhere she goes
you see the girl sarah fiorenza she a baddie
Will be super cute together ! Sooner or Later they will find each other. Both are attracted to each other but none of them accept it. One must step up and say it first because one of them might have a crush on the other first.
1: Hi did you meet Bryan and Sarah. They look like a couple but they just don’t accept it 🙂
2: IKR
When you smash too many double doubles at Alley Cats and end up paraletic drunk
I'll be chuckin' a Sarah tonight
Man I'm unwell, I chucked a Sarah last night
I'm not going to be chuckin' a Sarah anytime soon