Thot means that hoe over there.
Look Becky there is another thot over there with her new boyfriend after she broke up with her ex yesterday.
An Internet cocktease. Remote sexual titillation for money with none of the risk of personal contact. Not necessarily a whore nor a slut but only the appearance of one is necessary. Madison Avenue fakery to the nth degree.
She realized that making money as a Twitch thot was safer than working at a burger joint.
Thot means that hoe over there.
Look Becky there is another thot over there with her new boyfriend after she broke up with her ex yesterday.
informal noun
A promiscuous adulterous tart.
plural thots, thotties
adverb thotly, thoty
adjective thotful
characteristic noun thotness
That woman is a thot.
Those women are thots.
Those thotties aren't just thots, they're hotties.
That woman is walking over here thoty.
That woman is thotly dressed.
Prostitutes pick and choose from an array of thotful behaviors.
This portrait really captures the thotness of the subject.
Thot is an abbreviation for That Hoe Over There and is used for basically all the gals at yer local highschool.
A thot, is generally very Slooty and does really want anything than a 🍆
A thot can also be a Memer or a Prostitute so don’t mess with a thot.
Xavier: Loooook, Nathan!!! It’s ya girl Katie over there!! Go talk to her, I heard she had hard s*x with Alex last night!!!
Nathan: Dude, she’s such a thot and a sloot man! I’m so dumping her!
Xavier: yeah bro.