People who obsess over the purchasing, preparing and consumption of food.
It is the holiday season, we need to buy our groceries before the food crazies invade the stores.
A girl who jerks you off, again and again. Over 300 times.
Zettie gave the best Crazy Lion's.
Someone you wish to get away from. Perhaps leave the country and start a new life.
Would ruin your relationship becuase she’s so desperate and sad
“Yo, that Victoria Gian bitch is a crazy ex girlfriend. She’s a skank and a homewrecker. A hypocritical desperate loser that makes me wanna flee the country”
When a moderator gets a bit too serious with moderation and assumes there are rule-breaking offenses where there are none.
That message wasn’t sexual! Arnie’s going mod-crazy!
An egotistical maniac who is just as crazy as his bestest friend eva (cough cough) and he will always go through and stick around although you may want to hurt him and maybe ya know... He is still lit asfffff 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Alex: Jesus Crazy Klown is such a flippin weirdoooo
All throttle no brakes foot down circle burnout on a motorcycle.
Hey, catch the guy pulling crazy Larry's on the bagger.
-elephant is a person
- omg you are crazy elephant is an animal 🤦🏻 ♀️