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Fake news

Formerly used to point out news that is not trustworthy. Since advent of Trumpism Fake news has the meaning: I don't want to hear your facts.

Get your fake news out of my feed.

by Koki69420 September 28, 2022

Fake News

Fake news is actually real news. We just have to change the meaning of 'fake'. If an orange dumb big guy says 'fake news', you have to pretend he means 'real news'. If we don't do that, there's gonna be a day we gonna believe that oil good is against headache.

'The earth is getting warm.'
'Fake news. Look, it's snowing in New York.'

by 512 GB April 25, 2020

Fake News

A made up word to make "evidence of gouvernement fraude and deception" seem implausible to media and citizen's

These reports about the lekker documents are fake news

by ImWhiteSoIMustBeRasict?! March 27, 2021

Fake news


Guy 1:Hey did you see the news? CNN said USA is racist

Guy 2: CNN is fake news

by Heyyouboii September 12, 2020

Fake hospitality

Someone who doesnt have the heart to run a guy off, so they put out welcome mats and give him food a few hours after they tell him to stay out or leave.

Fuck fake hospitality, let a guy know that nobody likes him. Reality is better than a facade of hospitality and insincere friendliness. A false apology is the same thing as fake hospitality, it's better to go ahead and let somebody you're not sorry about what happened, and you never will be, since that is how you really feel about something.

by Solid Mantis October 9, 2020

Fake hospitality

Someone who doesnt have the heart to run a guy off, so they put out welcome mats and give him food a few hours after they tell him to stay out or leave.

Fuck fake hospitality, let a guy know that nobody likes/respects him, especially if he can already tell (people tend to pick up on that kind of thing if they've lived to a certain age) . Reality is better than a facade of hospitality and insincere friendliness. A false apology is the same thing as fake hospitality, it's better to go ahead and let somebody you're not sorry about what happened, and you never will be, since that is how you really feel about something.

by Solid Mantis October 9, 2020

Fake and gay

When something is both incorrect and homosexual.

Someone: Insert dumb thing here

Internet troll: Fake and gay

by Inquisitive Walnut November 17, 2022

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