They ask “What’s in your wallet!!!”
I said a platinum CAPITAL ONE CARD!!
Then they be like a nope..we be twat waffles!
Waste of time and a money to bank with a the ultra mega super duper bunch of theives. Recently thinking of changing slogan too…
What shouldn’t be in you wallet!!!
Crapital One
Capital One is a bank of sphincters the rob the clients and prance around in the coffee bars and sip the hood of the title man
The crapital one Bank of sphincter Patrol will close your account if you ask for a unjust fee be removed.
Crapital one only take you banking info to provide the more data to sell to other Crapital one subsidiary’s..
Down a alcoholic beverage. Similar to send it
Snap one it’s fucking Friday’s.
the nickname for an adolescent who can be defined as a nerdy, studious, and somewhat socially inept person; a teen who's name is supposed to have two Ts but only has one;
Mathew with One-T
that one uncle (usually on your father's side of the family) is drunk more often than not and has a 95% chance to be a kidnapper
that one uncle: hHEEEhehjeheEEEEhH HellO KIDS
everyone: RUNS
A boy or man who falls for a girl 1 day then falls for another the next
“Girl my man just broke up with me after a week of dating”
“ It’s ok he’s one for everybody”
When your butthole explodes and shit ends up all around the toilet bowl somehow
Dont go in there man...I just took a schloppy one.
A restroom, usually in a gas station, that only has one toilet. Sometimes is shared by both sexes.
Dude I really felt sorry for those girls going into that unisex one seater after I blew that shit up. Guess I shouldn't have gone to Taco Bell last night, after the bar.