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Puddle Pirate

One whom enjoys being pissed on by overweight women; similar to a pirate hunting a whale in the ocean, a puddle pirate is one who seeks out fat women for the free food she supplies and the overwhelming stench of her “squirt”.

Jeff is a puddle pirate, he loves getting owed on by fat bitches.

by thabiznass June 3, 2022

Suburban Pirates

Pirates without a ship or ocean but go on adventures like pirates and find and pillage like pirates

who the hell are you calling punks?! we're suburban pirates

by captainjamesswapdadeck February 10, 2013

basement pirate

When you sexually Dudu every someone in your moms basement

Your a basement pirate

by Adam467 December 14, 2016

ub-argh pirates!

uber: super; high-level; high-ranking.

argh: what a pirate says to express annoyance, dismay, embarrassment or frustration.

ub-argh pirates!: what a pirate says to express annoyance, dismay, embarrassment or frustration about pirates.

"ub-argh pirates!" - says a pirate

by Pseudonymthewild@gmail.com February 23, 2013

The french pirate

One of the most wicked sea warfare techniques
Steps to achieve the french pirate:

1. Befriend some Germans you don't know while talking in a french accent
2. Pretend your are a friendly Frenchman who wants to help
3. Help him collect his treasure
4. When hes not looking blow up his ship
5. Collect his treasure that is now yours and flee like a good Frenchman
6. (Optional) get caught, killed and your own ship destroyed in revenge

"Yesterday this bastard pulled the french pirate on me. Now I must destroy him"

by thegermanpirate March 18, 2021

pirate lock

A cockblock

Example/ *boy*"dude I almost got in a girl pants"
*friend*"what happened"
*boy*"she had a pirate lock"
*friend*"Ohhhh was her dad there?"

by Thebigdic...tionary August 21, 2015

Run on Pirate Gold

A store which appears to have no, or almost no customers, but stays open despite this apparent oxymoron.

I've never seen any customers in that store, but it's been open for the last ten years. It must run on pirate gold!

by Clowpie August 17, 2014