Where you learn some doctors are into PORNOGRAPHY FILM CASTING.
SIRIUSLY ROAD nearby as the MUSIC played where ANAL ALAN went to get a sandwich where they said " we need your full name , " butt wait all I want is a SUBMARINE SANDWICH at 3140 SOUTH VALLEY VIEW #14 in LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89102 but I notice where is THE RESTR00M , "WE DON'T HAVE ANY, " this is only the SUBWAY' BUS YAW N0.
So DR. JOFFE TEL AVIV ISRAEL well hate to tell you before 3140 SOUTH VALLEY VIEW #FAG LAS VEGAS , NEVADA 89102 as the CIA but wait in ISRAEL it is called , " M0SSAD" AND AMD DR 0SS is ADVANCED MICR0 DEVICES has inside of it "THE IMM0RTALITY RULE" that is NEVER WR0NG.
At this ADDRESS there is an ALTERATION COMING PLANE DISASTER as SYARIKAT TAKAFUL is choosing which PLANE AND COUNTRY TO HIT and KILL EVERYONE but meanwhile as JACK SWEENEY tracks planes you better believe the best protection can be HAD in the FLIGHT PATH AND RADIUS BUT I SCUM tonight SHITEATING AND PISS DRINKING will soon rearrange this ADDRESS ....
3140 SOUTH VALLEY VIEW #FAG LAS VEGAS , NEVADA 89102 ...SAVE Y0UR LIFE when you SENSE ..(3) 140 (N)AKED S(H)ITEATER EAT SHIT TUNc sout(H) valley view las vegas, (N)evada 1 9 33 = SCAT = SHIT CA(N) ASS(H)0LE THREE
South ridge is based on a overly rich neighborhood. Where all the kids that go there either have major daddy problems and or daddy’s money. There all either super judgmental white kids who suck at sports or the future drug addicts of the world. Also watch out for the furrys.
There is literally way more places you should be than south ridge high school
where are you from?
south jersey
oh so basically pennsylvania?
It isn’t just any ordinary part of the armpit of the nation, it is very different
As a person born and raised in South Jersey, I may be biased, but this is the greatest part of this boring state. We are people who aren’t as rude as our northern counterparts, and for the rest, we are just a larger in size, smaller in population version of Philadelphia. Wawa comes to mind when thinking about us, and that is correct. In fact the city I was raised in had less people than 8,300 to this day, and we still have a Wawa, yet no main stores like Shop Rite, Walmart etc. South Jersey may as well be it’s own state, having a higher population than many states. We have about 1.75 million people, about the population of Idaho and larger population than states like Hawaii, New Hampshire, Maine, Delaware and we have a higher population than Washington D.C. Plus North Jersey depends on Atlantic City casinos either way and they will probably steal at least one of the casinos somehow.
South Jersey, the cooler version of North Jersey is where I live.
Fuck south jersey. Atlantic City is a crappy place, but don’t even get me started on those fucking Philadelphians. I would rather be put in a concentration camp then go to philly. They got good cheese steaks I’ll give them that, but besides that the city is cancer that needs to be taken out of the world. New York 4 life. U can’t even compare the 2. Fuck u faggot ass south jersey an philly niggas
Person 1 “Fuck south Jersey”
Person 2 “and fuck those cock sucking philly niggas”
Somewhere very different from North Jersey. We ignore 7-11s, because of course Wawas. Not a sub, a hoagie(from Wawa!) Everywhere you go, there’s people in Eagles jerseys, possibly chanting. We know we’re nothing like Jersey Shore. Oh yeah, it’s not the beach, it’s the shore. That’s where everyone goes Prom Weekend. If you go to Avalon, you’re probably rich, but if you go to Ocean City/Stone Harbor, you’re definitely cool. Philadelphia(but everyone says Philly) is a bridge away, so games and concerts are easy. You secretly love it.
North Jersey: Ugh, I want to go to the beach
South Jersey: Too bad, we have the shore, not the beach
A person who is obsessed with the lamest of values, such as being on time and sticking to all plans. These people are rich and feel very protective of their front lawn, and if they put up any kind of barrier between their home and the sidewalk, they will still claim the sidewalk as their own. South enders are usually parents, contributing a large percentage of depressed children. very much like a suburbanite. not necessarily a southerner.
Guy 1: oh kickass, we just set up this sweet jump on the dirt sidewalk.
Guy 2: Yeah! lets bike over it and stop when we land on the ground so we don't hit that big pole!
time passes, jump is hit.
South ender: HEY! You kids are ripping up the ground on the other side of my fence when you stop your bikes! I just paid to have all that dirt aerated!
Guy 1: so...doesn't that mean the ground is already ripped?