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floppy donkey

A person who is unable to successfully move their limbs due to extreme tiredness.
Conversing with said person is useless due to floppy donkey also affecting the brain.
To move someone who is a floppy donkey is close to impossible.

Guy "Honey do you wanna go somewhere?"
Girl *inaudible mumbling*
Guy "You're floppy donkey aren't you?"
Girl "Mmmmf"

I hate when she goes all floppy donkey on me, it's like she's made entirely of limbs!

by tyne wolfe June 15, 2013

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Donkey Dong

Donkey Dong aka DD (Noun): A penis that is very skinny but VERY HAIRY!! Hairy to the point to where it looks like you have a dog dick that's HAIRY like donkey kong.

EWW! You have a donkey dong!! I ain't fuckin any more!

by Devneesssss July 23, 2017

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swamp donkey

a dirty slut whose vagina is swampy, and reeks like a donkeys ass

I went to a party but my time was cut short, after a swamp donkey approached me asking for sex.

by Mr.rambow October 4, 2009

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Swamp donkey

A young lady of particular ugliness.

Rob: That girl devon was a swamp donkey.

Luke: Yea but shes gives mad good blow jobs.

by rtc1588 February 28, 2007

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Swamp Donkey

A female often overweight and grotesque. Often found at high school parties, waiting for guys to get drunk therefore making them an easy target to engage in sexual acts.

I can't believe I hooked up with that swamp donkey!

by Brotoe March 11, 2009

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Virgin donkey cunt

A drink that not only leaves you on all fours after you drink one, but one that allows anyone or anything, including a donkey, to take advantage of you

"I ordered a virgin donkey cunt last night & woke up in a barn smelling like a jackass"

by BG71 April 19, 2017

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Hawaiian Donkey Punch

Letting a Donkey stick their hooves in your lubed Anal cavity. Size doesn't matter.

OMG! I'm gonna do the Hawaiian donkey punch after school!!!!

by Alice18527 June 21, 2016

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