Article: "Trolling is cyber bulling"
Everyone including trolls: *TROLLING IS NOT CYBERBULLYING!!!*
king of 2b2t spawn and other anarchy servers
Trollings is so cool
Trollings is the king
Trollings killz oppz for fun
someone harassing or making fun of
person a: "I'm gonna go trolling!"
person b: "ok i don't care"
Being rude; when someone is intentionally rude or curt, hoping they can get target to take the bait & retaliate in kind so that a “flame war” breaks out.
"Nextdoor is no stranger to trolling flame wars, and all such attempts should be reported and subsequently removed."
It's when you don't give one fuck for being a jerk to someone. You make a joke and then take it way seriously then basically say "JUST KIDDING HOE".
Also you could live under a "t-r-oll" bridge to tell hoes that they can't get the fuck across the bridge.
Carol is such a fucking troll. He wouldn't stop fucking around with trolling jokes.