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creatine virgin athlete

This is the type of athlete who swears that he runs 10 km in 2 minutes thanks to creatine and then he scares the hoes away because of his somali genes and floppy cock. His family is also disappointed in him and his aunt is a slut. His cardiovascular abilities come in handy on every wednesday when he robs a ship full of oil and fish cum near the somali coast. He also puts nicotine pouches in his ass.

Ice cream man: "what the fuck is up with the cum in the sink"
condom head: "ay man don't talk shit about my nigga"
somali: "oooga booga maga ooobos creatine virgin athlete i rob ship flopy coc haahaahahha ooh ooh aaaaaaa"
adolf hitler: "nigga shut yo dumb ass up im bouta fuck on yo aunt that stupid ahh slut"
somali: "heil hitler!"

by fukcer192 March 6, 2024


A virgin is a person who has never engaged in intercourse with another person. You are a virgin

Guy 1: Tonight's the night I might actually lose my virginity
Guy 2: Ha you stupid virgin

by Bigblackballs6942 March 22, 2021


People who don't have the fella follow

Person 1: what zero pussy does to a mf
Person 2: wtf I have the fella follow virgin
Person 1: Nooooooooo

by Dioxide62 March 27, 2021


What kids named Ryan will forever be

Your a virgin

by Meganas122 December 23, 2020


When you never had something sexual before

Person:”I’m a virgin
Other person:”didn’t you have sex with your wife?”
Person: “yeah?”

by Yourcurrentwife September 28, 2021


A person who is infatuated by the aesthetic of the movie despicable me and its spinoff, Minions. This person may have a god complex and show extreme aggression to people who are much cooler than them. Their jealousy stems from the lack of hoes they amass in their lifetime. Even more commonly, virgins may be named: mia or even fatima.

You are such a virgin for playing osu mania!

by shreksapleb May 27, 2021


Your boyfriend Anthony's best friend Kyle who plays Starwars RP on GMod all day.

"Yo, do you see that absolute virgin over there?"
"Wow, what a non-alpha male chad"

by Zyafecta August 11, 2021