The Number No. 6 in Basketball means calmest player.
"I cant stop No. 6 because of his calm presence"
A street gang established in 2015 in greensburg/campbellsville, KY
6 guns is really coming up now
To hear the words 6 - love being uttered at you can mean only one of two things.
1: You have failed that epically that there
is less than no chance of a recovery.
2: You have managed to get yourself into
such a state (by consuming whatever
it is that floats your boat...) that your
body is down to basic, essential
functions only.
Dude served himself up the absolute industry standard score last Friday evening. He lost track of 3 days and when, eventually, he returned to earth he'd sold his parents house and married a giraffe.
He chalked himself up as a 6 - love loser, kind of like Nadal playing a set against, erm, let's go with... an ironing board...
May 6 2013 a day of the year
on May 6 2013, we will be going on a field trip
If you were born on this day, its either you were going to be on of the most successful person on earth, or the most psychotic person of all.
You are also the most charming and beautiful one that always make your friends envy of you.
"Hey, do you know that famous actor birthday is on 6 November?"
National Kiss your girlfriend/boyfriend day. On 6 November you have to kiss your girlfriend/boyfriend.
Girl: kiss me
Boy: why?
Girl: because it is 6 November.
Are you good? Wait no you literally typed every single symbol on your keyboard so why did I even ask
person 1: `¬¦1!2"3£4$5%6^7&8*9(0)-_=+qQwWeEéÉrRtTyYuUiIoOpP{}aAáÁsSdDfFgGhHjJkKlL\|zZxXcCvVbBnNmM,<.>/?
person 2: wtf
person 1: :)
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