Intermittent short bursts of uncontrollable rage or ranting
Looks like that guy is having another rage-isode.
When you're balls are given a free cleaning during a courtesy flush.
Took a massive shit and got hit by Poseidon's Rage.
When there are too many EVs at the charge point so fights start.
Christmas eve and there was a six hour queue for a tesla charge point. Safe to say charge rage occurred.
anger or violence between a driver who is charging their electric vehicle and other drivers who are waiting in a queue to do so
"The long wait for charging stations sometimes leads to charge rage, with frustrated drivers getting into arguments or altercations."
Rage-dump: when an internet poster literally shits himself due to the anger induced by someone disagreeing with his opinions.
TOC was so angry that another poster had a different opinion on college football realignment that he rage-dumped.
When you take a shit on the bed to get back at your significant other.
Amber Heard took a Rage Turd on the bed
When someone cuts you off and it’s 112°F outside.
That driver really pissed me off, now I’m going to give him a little Road Rage Sunday.