An ordinary strap held sideways is a side strap, lots of gangstas use this technique, it's the most G thing you can possibly do.
While you side strap with one hand, best form requires your other hand to be down near your draws, even clutching your groin if you're feeling particularly gangsta.
The act of performing a side strap is called side strapping.
G #1: When I aim my gat, I side strap it, that's the G thing to do.
G #2: Hell yeah, I'm always side strapping my gat.
When the side hustle (small business on the side of your ‘proper’ job) becomes more of a hassle than it’s worth - both economically, emotionally and spiritually.
“How’s that small business of yours going?”
“Oh my side hustle?”
“It’s becoming a bit of a side hassle to be honest mate”
"Side tract" means that you get side tract. Simple as that
Not grammatical person: "I got sidetracked"
Our teacher: "No its side tract bitch"
WEST SIDE NEIGHBORHOOD CRIPS is a hood in the west side of Anaheim not to sure if they are new or old
They beef with Folks probre Tokers Hoover
And that’s all we know about from what we know there hood is pacific n Magnolia in the west side of Anaheim they are coo with baby insane crips from long beach
Like a serving on the side of your meal, a side serving of food or something random.
I took an extra side helping of food with my dinner.
I do enjoy a side helping with my lunch
When a group of guys make a circle around their leader and perform a bukkake. The last one to cum on the leader has to help the leader lick it up.
“Boy does Chester love the dark side.
When you are taken by awful surprise but not a direct hit.
Often related to activities done by other people. The practice may seem deceitful and malicious; however, the person perpetrating the side boozling may be unaware that they should had advise of the important details of something they are offering.
I went to a meeting for Reclaim thinking that it was a true grassroots organization but it turned they are just an arm of the Democratic Party. I felt side boozled. Luckily, I didn’t actually give them money.