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Dad Fact

An unfounded but logical piece of information that may or may not be a fact, often wielded by dads at a BBQ.

Trav: "Did you know that if you pour Sprite on your balls you can taste it?"

Mike: "Sounds like a dad fact"

by Da House November 27, 2023

dad fact

That weird random bit of information that a Dad will suddenly drop on you after you ask a fairly simple question. And is almost always 100% correct.

Me: why do international pilots need to know English?

Dad: It is actually called Aviation English. It was implemented because of a really bad plane crash back in the 1970's caused partly by language issues.
Me: *Googles it, sees hes correct* that's a Dad Fact!

by Mydadmadethisup September 9, 2018

ur dad gae

the implication of your father figure (you don't have one) being homosexual. brother to 'ur mom gae'.

liam: "hey, hey, hey dumbass, guess what?"
jordan: "what now???"
liam: "ur dad gae"
jordan: "Liam, I genuinely am concerned for you and your sanity. Please for the love of God, get help."

by ScarceOriginality March 3, 2022

D1 Dad

A dad who either played D1 sports in college or socially engineers their child in order to secure a spot for their child on a team at a D1 school.

We had a little league D1 dad who became a coach to guarantee his sons position as a shortstop.

by KT77 May 30, 2021

bestfriends dad

for most people that are fatherless, a best friends dad is the closest male to them. resembling your own father, but 100x better.

bro wanna come to mine?
is your bestfriends dad there
cool bro sure

by thegreatestbrunomars March 27, 2022

Ross's Dad

A "Ross's Dad" is when you get so drunk that you shit in the bidet instead of the toilet.

Still drunk person : I was so drunk last night I did a "Ross's Dad"

Sober person : shit really how did you get rid of it?

Still drunk person : I smashed it with a whisk obviously!

by Spiky dildo June 15, 2022

Lol dad always say why I think negative because nobody is the problem but he himself think like that.

Lol dad always say why I think negative because nobody is the problem but he himself think like that.

Lol dad always say why I think negative because nobody is the problem but he himself think like that.

by sdinaz October 24, 2023