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autumn Is gay

Super super duper duper gay

That girl autumn is gay asf

by September 10, 2020

long gay

An undesirable amount of gayness acquired by unconventional// conventional methods.

Eww jody has long gay!

by Mast Jebus February 6, 2018

Triangle of Gay

When three guys (usually gay or bi) suck each others penises at the same time forming the shape of a triangle.

Damn bro, last night Joe, Rick, and I did the triangle of gay last night, you should have seen it.

by SexPositionMaker February 11, 2012

key gay

So gay and sucks at fortnite

Key gay

by Key gay June 20, 2019

Elder Gay

The oldest and most powerful homosexual in a 10 mile radius.

"Yeet," said the Elder Gay.

by marcos.uwu October 29, 2018

Fidget gay

Being dumb in a way thats very gay.

Youre so fidget gay

by Matai frumoasa April 13, 2018

gay rap

That drake shit

I hate gay rap

by pewdiepiefan99 March 19, 2017