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Golden Toaster (XD edition)

Golden Toaster, but it is way more golden, and doesn't have terrible spelling.

Also btw, The original golden toaster was Robbie's


Lol, Robbie's Golden Toaster sucks. I love Golden Toaster (XD edition).

by OliviaisstephaniexD October 15, 2018

bronze, silver,golden

rating system for the fineness of women
bronze being lowest silver second gold is top

friend1:man you see that girl over there she is golden
friend2:man she is barley silver
friend3: man your both crazy she is totally a bronze
random guy: oh you guys are rating her on the bronze, silver,golden scale

by threex August 14, 2008

2πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

golden retriever boyfriend

a smol soft shmee blonde hair n tinie n pure soft boi

"wut a pure golden retriever boyfriend"

by ayoshmee October 16, 2022

14πŸ‘ 105πŸ‘Ž

Fudge Dipped Golden Oreo

When a male withdraws his penis from anal sex and it is covered in fecal matter and then inserts it into the females vagina where he proceeds to urinate while still inside the vagina.

"I got the bed soaked in urine after trying the fudge dipped golden Oreo last night with Jenna"

by crazyaligator November 2, 2011

10πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

golden retriever boy

straight cheerful white boy
who may or may not cry a lot

"how the hell do you always pull golden retriever boys?"
"its a skill"

by sauced pickles May 7, 2023

3πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Golden Dick Syndrome

A lack of male university students has caused what has been dubbed β€˜Golden Penis Syndrome’ in men who develop inflated egos due to the amount of interest their female peers show in them.

The term, coined by students at Sarah Lawrence College in New York and later popularized by American journalist Jon Birger, applies to heterosexual men on predominantly female college campuses.

As studies have shown, college-educated women are more likely to date similarly educated partners. With such skewed numbers, college-educated men have become a hot commodity, allowing such men to become arrogant, thinking a steady supply of women will always be available to them. The lack of competition has allowed men to get away with foul dating practices, such as cheating or ghosting, because they are confident there will always be other women

Just got ghosted by this guy. It's giving golden dick syndrome.

by YAYAYAYAYAY November 5, 2021

5πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Brown Bear, Golden Shower

A phrase referring to the abrupt stop of intercourse, initiated by the woman, where she turns around as if she is going to give oral please, but defecates on the face of her partner instead. She then immediately proceeds to wash away the feces with a steady stream of urine. Intercourse should then resume as if nothing happened.

Last night things were going great, until this chick gave me a brown bear, golden shower.

by TJamie January 5, 2012

61πŸ‘ 68πŸ‘Ž