Source Code

The Electric goat toe

When a man is having trouble getting aroused do to his very obese and very loose partner, folds his semi-flaccid penis in half and penetrates his partner to get the job done. The maneuver is complete when the penis becoming fully hard and rubs the vaginal walls causing orgasm and him making the O face.

This bitch I picked up at the bar was so bad I had to give the Electric goat toe.

by MeBoo2ichi June 1, 2019

dunkin the nuggets in a goat

Pulling kelly and putting your balls in a goats ass

That Kelly loves to sneak out every sat night and go dunkin the nuggets in a goat

by a snowball named jeffrey March 17, 2009

cranky goat

When you done got yourself goat and you forgot to feed it so it rams you. Everybody has been there. Its so simple.

Well I barely had enough cash for the goat and I couldnt afford food, and whilst pondering a new moonshine recipe my cranky goat rammed me.

by KILLERKTM May 13, 2015


Who are you?

Stone Foster

What are you?


Bro check out my YouTube channel, I swear I’m the most goated fortnite player out there.

by FaZedouGhnut34 November 28, 2019


the opposite of dogwater

kitty: *plays ukulele goatedly*
sausy: that's dogwater
maylala: don't lie sausy! that's absolutely goated!

by January 10, 2022


It means that You want have you know what
And a generally nicer way of saying Hor** and it cant be detected by YouTube and won't be demonitized

Goat stand for Greatest of all time and if you are goated you are really good at a particular activity

Person 1: Wow man,those letters you sent. That is pretty goated stuff.
Person 2: what does that mean?
Person 1: search it on Urban dictionary


My friend and i had argument about who is the most goated Messi or Ronaldo

by I.like.Goats. May 20, 2023


Goated has become a morphed form of the word goaded. Initially if someone was very aggressive or on the offensive you would say they were goaded and this meant that they were fueled by anger for success. After the acronym G.O.A.T "greatest of all time" people who were unfamiliar with the word goaded assumed it was "goated".

Man...Tarynce played like a man possessed! He was super goated that game after the bad calls from the refs. (they should have used the word goaded but failed to understand that goated wasn't really a word...but now because of common usage it is)

by Jonakand February 25, 2025