making the jesture of sprinkling salt on another human being for being just to lame or ignorant
"man i banged my girl friend so good today, it was for a whole seven minutes" = pimp salted
pimp papi is someone that does illegal stuff for their bitches
janikwa is my pimp papi
Someone's Main Style Of Pimpin
I added some of my own pimpness to the 'heel toe boot scoot'
Someone who prostitutes friends and/or relatives in order to leach joy from their impending success in a given "field".
You need to go practice your throwing today Mr. All-Star quarterback. College offers don't come easy
Son: Dad, stop being a vicarious pimp agent. Let me do it on my own.
The combination of a woke pussy and a white privileged asshole
Who's that? Motherfucker that's THE Former 7-11 pimp.
(verb- to pimp someone): to live off someone's salary like a parasite.
Emily (adressing her boyfriend): Carl, I just got crucified, since my company is moving overseas. I think we will have to move into the basement of your dad's country place, we can't afford the rent here in the city.
Carl: Listen sweetie, Emily. I am a Martian, and therefore have a solution for you. I was going to pimp you out to my company's secretary and and her rich bastard husband as a cleaning lady, a Cinderella of sorts. Dunno if you'd agree though.
Emily (shrieking): how dare you???. Im, as a Venusian, I think I deserve better.
Carl: Well. I don't get on that well with my dad anyways, and, besides, it's better than living in the basement of his country place, like some rats.
Emily: well, in that case, if you want to pimp me out, I reserve the right to pimp you out as well, roflmfao. (staqrts yelling at Carl): go work in construction, or whatever, now. I want you to nigger, before telling me nonsense.
a ) (verb): to live off of someone's wage, like a parasite
b) to hire out
boy a) I don't have a job, what can I do?
boy b) let's open a business, and i don't know, maybe, to pimp rather, at minimum wage, some illegal immigrants. they can't get a legal job anyways, since they don't have the required papers.
boy a): you are a genius!