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Not Right

Someone generally from the capital of California who enjoys/thrives from cleverly and discreetly sabotaging their enemies lives.

He’s a Not Right

by Godsstone September 28, 2021

You Ain't Right

Southern American English phrase used when someone says something that is crass or offensive, but you aren't mad at them because it was also somewhat true or funny. You yourself didn't say it because you're just not quite fucked up enough to do so, but the other person is. Instead of telling the other person "How dare you!" or "That was a terrible thing to say!" you can just blithely remark, "You ain't right."

Jim: "Maybe this country wouldn't be so fucking fat if people went outside more often and ate less McDonald's. A few more ladies could at least start eating less."

Bob: "You ain't right, Jim."

by MeaningChronicler February 10, 2025

tip right

to be up to part,looking good.

"yo mami, you looking tip right tonite."

by dime_piece305 April 27, 2006

Yous right

Yous right comes from the saying "You are right my African brother"

"Yo, Yous right about that."

by Bi-Racial gangsta October 28, 2015

Rights Dangling

“Rights Dangling” is a method used by politicians to scare citizens into donating money and voting for them. Politicians from both parties will constantly “fight” over your rights (all for show) instead of focusing on changes that would benefit society. And this is why we hear about abortion and guns on the daily rather than small achievable things like banning certain cancerous foods, increasing pay for teachers, and other things that would improve your life.

Having your rights dangled above you on a daily basis will severely polarize you and put you in a permanent bad mood. However, this bad mood makes you more likely to donate money and rally for a certain side’s cause.

Even though everyone agrees that these certain things are rights that should be limited and left there. Like how guns may not be an issue if assault weapons were banned and the legal age of purchase was, say, raised to an age where people’s brains were fully developed.

But, this method of politicing is a f***big gold mine. Officials don’t actually need to get anything done and can get paid to speak to crowds of angry people while we see zero progress for long periods of time.

And somehow they all get rich in the process?

Vote for me and I’ll protect your right to abortion!
Perosn: “damnn our congresswoman is constantly Rights Dangling… I swear to god I haven’t seen her do anything that’s made a change in like 10 years… but Pete’s mom keeps donating to her?”

Senator whatshisface is coming after your right to bear arms! Vote for me and donate to the cause today and I’ll make sure no one lays a hand on your teen’s AK style assault weapon! :D

Person: They just be rights dangling. If they could focus on a compromising solution that kept everyone safe, maybe I wouldn’t have to hear or read the words “guns” and “12 dead children” like very other freaking day.

by Dopeflover May 10, 2023

Tom was right

“Tom was right” refers to Tom DeLonge being right that aliens exist.

The senate just announced that they classify aliens as real! Tom was right!”

by Ev0308 May 27, 2024

The right folks

A term used by Instagram user Bigreed777 to describe suburban caucasians, perceived by Reed to be more civilized and right-minded than others. Often times, Reed travels to Philadelphia suburbs and contrasts daily life between there and inner-city Philly.

We out here at Trader Joe’s with the Right folks!

by Mojitomuddler445 June 8, 2024