Someone who sees themself as the leader of a group or area without any sort of legitimacy.
They also hold their desired position in high regard, without realising how shitty the position and its associated assets really are.
Excuse me, but do you know who you are talking to? I am in charge here and I won't have you undermining me.
You're the King of the shit hill. You are worth less than a break dancer with polio or a socially autistic ant. In short, fuck you.
Someone who is very rude and likes to do things like flicking, giving the finger and slapping you. She can be very caring sometimes but quickly turn her opinions and will lick you and sometimes chomp your arm. She gets very jealous and wants to date a guy with a name like Nathan but her best friend dated her. She loves Mazdas and always mentions sleep without sleeping. She will ask you how your day went but in reality she doesn't give a shit.
You see that short bully over there... ya she must be Abby Hill.
A larger uglier woman that starts at the top of a hill and has sex with every guy as she rolls down the hill
Amanda was a hill pig last night she was so wasted when she rolled down the hill she fucked every guy she came across
When you pull out and smack your partner in the ass after having dirty anal sex, in which shit gets all over their ass. Quickly wipe the sheets with it and turn them around and shove their face in the shit wiped sheets.
Last night, your gay brother and I totally had a battle of bunker hill.
windy hill. the place where every body is ugly and fucking annoying tbh. everyone talks to much and the principal?? bruh taking someone’s phone like bro what hell no.. first off loose the attitude mr whidden. and why does mrs miller have favorite classes like what.. tbh seventh grade is better than any other.. sixth graders are
hella annoying, and eighth are like quiet emos…
go away
“windy hill middle school, go away from me and die.”
Jacob Hill has a huge johnson and weird hair, he is irish with ocean blue eyes, and has a fresh trim and he is sitting next to me in english rn.
"Jacob Hill" has a big johnson
Oh no jacobs johnson is growing