A over dramatic type of person and can not be reasoned with
Being defined as a human of sub worth - friend of hunter wiggins
A man who's great looking, talented, nice, professioanl, not mature, very respectful, and awesome. Everyone who's friends with im doesnt look back. He is a great person.
Hunter Wagoner is great at being Mel GIbson.
When one is outside looking for themselves with lanterns
Hunter is pulling a Hunter again. He is outside searching for himself with lanterns.
A man who gets all the bitches
That dude is such a hunter houston
One of the best people ever! They make the best jokes and they will try to end a fight. Randomly spamming letters is something that happens commonly so watch out!
Me: bro how is ur day
Leah hunter: iuxhwehdwyugdde
Me: ok?
A great person to be around. Will randomly spam letters tho
Me: hi
Leah hunter: kwjemeikdemdjksmwmwl
Me: ok?