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Washington & Lee University

A school in Lexington Virginia that owns its place in the record books as 8th wonder of the world, "Geographically, the only hole above ground." This is a private rich-kids school for gay guys who would get beat up if they went to Hampden-Sydney, and girls who still think pearl necklaces are cool.

Man1: So, where are you goin to college?
Man2: W&L
Man1: Dude, I never knew you were gay.

by HSC94FTBL08 November 5, 2004

356👍 443👎

Huddersfield university

A mismatched university where only the Chinese or desperate go. Go to Huddersfield if you don’t speak English as none of the locals or students do either, the locals speak ‘Yorkshire’ and pronounce their town as ‘uddersfield’ many believing this is due to the large population of cows in the area, and although most of the girls are large and smell like sh*t they are in fact not talking about udders at all and simply stupid c**ts and cannot pronounce the letter ‘H’ also, the real name for Huddersfield University is ‘THE University of Huddersfield’ yet the locals are also too thick to know the existence of the word ‘the’ too. Only good thing going for it is the fact that there is many even sh*ttier places to get pissed up around it, Leeds, Manchester, ShakeyWakey and so on so if you go to THE University of Huddersfield don’t worry you will always be drunk and have a greggs pasty in hand, just like the rest of the locals, you’ll fit right in.

Is everyone at Huddersfield university Chinese? No some are drunk too

by Izokay24 March 25, 2018

1👍 5👎

University of Cambridge

A small institution away from civilisation, known for its rich students who weren't smart enough to apply to Oxford. But at least it's better than the American unis.

Civilised person 1: I had a friend who applied to the University of Cambridge

Civilised person 2: That's awful. My condolences
Civilised Person 1: Yep. But he didn't get in and had to go to MIT instead
Civilised person 2: You should cut off all contact in case it spreads

by RumblyDragoon April 17, 2019

1👍 6👎

kean university

Kean University, located in the state of New Jersey, is a public university divided into three campuses.

It’s definition, in simplistic form, is “a joke .”

What’s Kean University?

That’s that joke of a school in New Jersey

What’s Kean University?
A joke.

by 69696969696969-69 May 16, 2020

1👍 6👎

Western Carolina University

College in bumfuck nowhere of western north carolina. Easy as fuck to get into and cheap. Activities for first year freshmen includes drug overdoseing, alcohol poisoning, and general getting busted. The first year away from home means they go crazy with the new freedom and next thing you know their stomach is geting pumped. This is why the EMS trucks and cop cars are outside the freshmen dorms 5 nights a week minimum.

Typical Night at Western Carolina University:

Upperclassman Catamount: "There goes EMS."
Fellow Pothead: "Where do you think their going?"
Upperclassman Catamount: "You have to ask? The freshmen dorm of course!!"


Upperclassman Catamount: "See I was right! You owe me some head!"

by Call me Joker May 26, 2008

102👍 116👎

ohio state university

one of the most arrogant universities in the world. known for rowdy, obnoxious fans, thug football players, and thinking they are special by putting the word 'THE' in front of their name. Also known for seeing how many kids they can cram onto their campus.

Dude 1: Why does Ohio State University have so many uneducated, drunk fans?

Dude 2: Because most of their fans are band-wagons that have little to no affiliation with the school what so ever.

by wnstni April 25, 2008

462👍 585👎

Eastern Washington University

A college where one goes to get rammed in the ass several times a day. When necessary, bukakke will also be awarded. Full of frat-tastic douche bags and wiggers. All males are dumbasses, while only a select few of the females are intelligent and sexy. The majority of the girls are dumb though. Most do not care about education, and are too stupid to go to a real college anyway. Much more like a large community college, rather than a university.

Guy 1: Why are you so damn stupid?
Guy 2: I go to Eastern Washington University.
Guy 1: I completely understand.
Guy 2: I don't know shit.

"Yes! I'm going to college! I have a 2.1 GPA and didn't even apply till late August!"
"That's not even a real college. Have fun getting fucked up the ass."

by pubefloss33 June 4, 2009

81👍 90👎