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Dirty Bus Top

Receiving world renowned felatio from a Dirty Bus Stop. (Regional)

"That Dirty Bus Stop gives sloppy, Dirty Bus Top. I Busted my Top!" -Rudy

by ActLikeYouDontKnowRudy July 27, 2022

Toilet Bus Boy

Aka worse than a garbageman and the person who cleans shit.

My friend Alex is a toilet bus boy, he failed college.

by Real YT Tartarus May 4, 2021

Bus skwad


Group of individuals that become friends because of the bus. Usually amazing to be around with! Everyone wants to be part of the orgy that is the bus skwad!

Kid1: oh gee! Did you see the group of kids that walked by!?
Kid2: damn right I did! That was the bus skwad

by Hispanicwolverine August 25, 2017

Bus Skwad

A group of individuals who have become friends only because they ride the same bus. Everyone wants to be part of the bus skwad!

Kid1: wow! Nar narbro! Did you see those kids on the bus??

Kid2: damn righht I did Chad! That was the bus skwad

by Hispanicwolverine August 26, 2017

get on da bus

This is a tough phrase to define. It encapsulates many of the every day struggles of a young man.

Defining this phrase so early in it's use is not preemptive and will not end poorly.

Lisa: I hate this.

Young Man: GET ON DA BUS

Lisa: No, don't get on the bus.

Young Man: Don't hate! GET ON DA BUS.

by OrsonKrennicsGloriousWhiteCape December 19, 2019

Blue Bus

A term that means your slow in the brain. Usually used as an insult, yet most find it funny.

Person 1: Hey can you grab the condom out of the drawer next to the tall green and magenta bookshelf?

Person 2: Sure...

-Person 2 comes back 2 min later-

Person 2: Where did you say the condom was

Person 1: Here we go again, what’da ride the Blue Bus???!

by MAc9103 June 21, 2021

Blue Bus

"Blue Cheer" was the name of a variety of LSD made by chemist and Grateful Dead patron Owsley Stanley13 and the band was probably named after that, although the name existed earlier, as the name of a laundry detergent14 after which the LSD variety itself was named." Wiki blurb that has it right. Take a ride on The Blue Bus LSD trip.

Take a ride on The Blue Bus

by Rickey Ratt July 23, 2019