The action of having your girl give you dome after you did anal and got corn on your dick from her Chipotle burrito or bowl earlier in the day. In order to achieve corn on the cob, anal must take place exactly 8 hours and 30 minutes after the consumption of a Chipotle bowl or burrito.
We did it so dirty last night, I did corn on the cob to finish him
<dub-bull korn> verb, active. Sexual slang, origin:Nebraska, United States, est. ~ 1960 AD
(-ing) same and or plural partaking.
The partaking act of the insertion of two (2) ears of corn ( 🌽 🌽 ), one (1) into the vaginal cavity, and one (1) into the rectal cavity of a human female subject. Usually willingly for sexual pleasure, or other various sexual reasons of partaking.
-ing (double corning), same or plural partaking.
-ed (double corned), subjective status present and/or past tense.
-er (double corner), one who partakes in the act of.
-able (double cornable), a subject determined capable and usually preferable candidate of the defined.
That girl from Nebraska enjoys a double corn after smoking cocaine.
She has double cornable hips.
When you oil up a garden fresh cob of corn and aggressively ram someone’s asshole with it. Then, afterward, you roast the corn over an open fire and share the resulting popcorn, drizzled heavily with steaming load of hot JIZz.
Did you hear about Jumbo Jim? He gave his buddy Ragtime Robert the Kehler Corn Pop last night. I didn’t even know he liked popcorn.
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In other words, john0512 got a 46 on mafclout chapter
:oars: :biswadev: reaction :snivy: :strawberry_face: :covid_flying_pig: :corn~1:
While sticking a whole ear of corn up your rectum pulling it out then start eating it or a second option creamed Corning you have someone ejaculate on it before consumption
Man I really love Corning with my friends
Corning is the act of throwing dried corn kernals and corn cobs on porches and at doors of houses at night to scare the occupants inside. People that will chase you usually become repeated victims. Usually done around Halloween in Western Pennsylvania and rural areas. It ends when you run out of corn or get busted by the cops.
Let's dress up in black and Camo and go corning at midnight!
A method used with sucking another persons dick rubbing the outskirts of your teeth in a side to side motion
Mariah started corning my cock