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Adnan , for nicknames : adoon , adooni , baboon , indomie

Aka yaras hubby

Adnan means crazy , and crazy means adnan

*Oh shit he’s so adnan

*“Please don’t be so adnan today “ -John said to his wife Ashley

by real wifey,sugar baby of crazy October 5, 2020



Synonyms and nicknames : adoon , adooni , baboon , indomie

But you can also call him : Yaras baby , hubby , husband , everything

Adnan means crazy and crazy means adnan

*Bro stop being so adnan

*”stop acting adnan and leave the knive” -said John to his wife

*Man I’m so adoon I wanna drive and flip my car

*My girlfriend yara is so adnan

by real wifey,sugar baby of crazy October 5, 2020


Crazy is when less than 10% of the population agree with you.

I'm crazy, I have delusions of grandeur.

by Bryn Benn September 1, 2020


Crazy is knowing too much .or a word that puts off the reality of things you’re crazy if you saw Bigfoot jacking off. How does that make me crazy?? Shut up crazy then its pushed under the rug smh…..all ah bunch of pussys

You sound crazy babe, your not dead you can see me can’t you.?

by Catchthebagescort May 1, 2023


People who do their own piercings

To be crazy.

by Chris218 January 24, 2021


Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelisi is bat Shxx Crazy !!!

by Big ugly September 15, 2022


Being Right Too Early

Alex Jones is too Crazy because he understands better than us!

by BetterSkatez July 9, 2022