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Emma is a very beautiful girl that is actually the sweetest and funniest person you will ever know. She is very unique. She always has your back and will always be there for you no matter what, she's so caring for other people. She's the best friend you could ever ask for. Make sure you never lose an Emma because she is very rare, there's is no one else like her because she is amazing.

Person 1: ''Woah who's that?''
Person 2 : ''That's mah best friend Emma''

by WhoCaresAboutNames March 18, 2019


Insane dutch girl on twitter. Destroyer of mentions. Suspected of having a piss kink.

Oh god, i have 400+ notifications. I bet emma peed on somebody again.

by Not Actually Bear November 23, 2021


Emma is the sweetest girl on earth some time she can be mean.If you don’t have a friend/best friend name Emma go get you one

Boy: Is that Emma over there Friends:yeah she is so sweet

by Itsyogirlkaylee_85 my tik tok December 12, 2019


She is perfect and losing her will be the biggest mistake of you’re life. She will make you fall I love with her in hours. She is kind and smart and usually has a beautiful body and a even better personality she will be your forever and usually falls in love with guys that have nice and necks

Wow Emma is perfect

by Annoying human January 31, 2021


Always about the cats.

Person 1: What do you want to watch on TV?
*Person 2 distracted playing with cats*
Person 1: God you're such an Emma

by whoisron September 4, 2022


Emma is the type of girl to burn bridges with everyone then proceeding to play the victim for attention. She will also fall in love over a guy that shows her the slightest amount of attention

Dude that chick is such an Emma

by Facts100%Facts May 26, 2022


Emma is the most lovely person ever. All the time she is funny and quirky. Her humor is the best and you’ll love spending time with her.

Emma always makes me laugh

by ek. June 19, 2022