A manipulative cum bucket that preys on "friends" with her constant sob stories for attention and waits until they are at their most vulnerable point in life. This soul sucking junkie will then convince their victim to separate themselves from anything or anyone that brings them joy in their life, while slowly making their lives more miserable each day until they are lucky enough to be able to release themselves from her poisonous grasp.
Friend 1: Did you hear? Amanda K Lancaster has her claws in {Friend} and won't let him see his friends any more.
Friend 2: Yeah, I hear she demands 100% of {Friend}'s attention while claiming she is like one of the guys but demands updates every 5 minutes or he's in the shit!
commone phrase translating to "Yeah ok Peace" but with more confliction. Can be used in response to any question or any emotion.
"Hey will you help me with my homework"
"Cha K Pess!"
A person who is in love with k-pop, and is willing to bust down for their bias anytime.
“Did you hear? Angelica is a k-pop hoe”
“Oh really, she must really want to bust down for yoongi while listening to Daechwita”
Saying you're not hungry then ordering a double Baconator at Wendy's
"I probably won't order anything. (Two minutes later at drive up) I'll take a double baconator." Dude...you are pulling an Auntie K
Our mighty leader which you are to follow until the end! Alongside Tsedenbal, and Vladimir Makarov!
Look who it is!! Salutations! GLORY TO BRAGOV!!!
when two young male cousins (under 15) have sexual intercourse, including reach arounds and blowjobs. paikei is only done between june and august.
Hi mum, don't be disappointed, but me and Adam, who yes is my cousin, did paikei (pay-k) and we just loved it. i am definitely gay.
Kevin Federline after Britney dumps him
K-Fed-Ex has hooked up with Christina Aguilera to help lick his wounds after his divorce from Britney
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