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woodland hills high school

A ghetto school with a fuck ton of stoners. Theirs also really chill security guards. The busses are packed and they smell like weed and cologne or just straight blunts. Don't forget about the fights and the shootings that happen in connection with our class mates. But there is a really good side of the schools students because most of them are cool asf but people are defensive. I would still say send your kid here because it'll get them ready for the real world and not be so soft. But with that... penn hills K

i go to woodland hills high school.

by mt Rushmore's nostril September 15, 2023

woodland hills highschool

a bitchass school located in pittsburgh, pennsylvania that got bitchass teachers and bitchass students. they added a bitchass rule banning all phones which means i cant text my fuckass group chat
half of the damn teachers in that building dont care about their job or the kids they teach. they prolly racist asf
it also got a lot of ghetto black kids, and white kids that live in church hill that pretend like they live in the ghetto
these girls don’t give a damn about girl code what so ever because if ur bestie goes to woody shes gonna talk about u behind ur back and probably leak ur nudes

most intelligent woody student: “nahh penn hills is so ass”
most demented penn hills student “i beg your finest pardon, dearest woodland hills highschool pupil. it seems that you are off your rocker. mayhaps, off your marbles. none the less, be prepared for my army of 3,291 gerbils that are infected with rabies to invade your place of education on march 14, 2031.

by hotdogbutplugs123 November 30, 2024

Vernon Hills High School

I am greatly impressed by the excellent education as well as the students and teachers, and unlike most high schools students are more accepting towards their peers. Vernon Hills High School has an academic rating significantly above the average for Illinois high schools based in its high test performance, high graduation rate, and high AP course participation. I'm proud to be a Cougar.

!Go Cougars!

Vernon Hills High School Rocks!

by Vernon Hills High School December 31, 2019

lil hill

He is so handsome. He has got to be the most sexiest guy in alabama.

Oh my god is that lil hill”

by November 17, 2020

balenci hill

A real ass nigga

Yo you know about "balenci hill", streets said he's "him".

by balenci hil June 8, 2022


A previous POTUS Bill Clinton and his Wife Hillary Clinton who ran and subsequently lost the Presidency in 2016. Hillary and Bill and their lies during their previous stint and subsequent scandal in the Whitehouse. Hillary during her tenure as Secretary of State. Her now famous "fog of war" response to the repeated and requested security before Benghazi. Mrs. Clintons inability to comprehend private or classified materials remains under scrutiny.
Bill was barred from practicing law, but was reinstated in 2006. Hillary has had her law license lapse.

We don't want any more Hill-Bill-Lies, in the Whitehouse. It's time to #MAGA

by Bean Republican March 18, 2017

Rocky Hill Middle School

Used to describe a shitty place with shitty staff.

Jilly: "Man that orphanage is such a Rocky Hill Middle School!"
Bob: "I know right? Its so ass."

by bigasdictionary December 29, 2022