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Firework Bill “whip” Willet

A borderline illiterate retard that resembles Elmer Fudd and claims to be a part of every major event in the history of the world. A Johnstown legend and a true American hero

Hey Firework Bill “whip” Willet, heard your names on the Stanley cup. “Oh yeah I won that plenty times.”

by Gangster thug 42069 July 12, 2024

Bill Y

Bill y is a Billy that means he has to pay really expensive bills and he likes ducks with a big bill.

Bill y= Big does and expensive bills right here!
stranger= seriously, WHAAAAAT!

by meeterem1 December 10, 2017

No Chill Bill

A phrase used to sarcastically call someone a savage. Commonly used after someone attempts to roast someone else and fails terribly

Person 1:"Travon you got a face that only a mother could love...too bad she don't "
Person 2:"Yeah well...you're pretty ugly too"
Person 1:"Wow you're such a No Chill Bill"

by socialmediaaddict September 5, 2016

bill cosmo

A drink often given to a woman that contains a date rape drug.

You probably shouldn't drink that . That creepy dude just sprinkled something in it. Its probably less of a vodka martini and more of a Bill Cosmo now.

by Jeansbruh March 3, 2016

Bill flake

When out for dinner with a group of friends, it is someone who underpays their portion of the bill

No don’t invite Bruce, he is such a bill flake

by Am1717 July 11, 2022

The Million Dollar Bill

During intercourse, when every orifice is penetrated by every finger, toe and sexual organ (dick) as well as nipples to eyes and mouth in one session, cumming pattern is optional, and foot massage is encouraged.

There is a brilliant painting depicting The Million Dollar Bill, by Keenan Dunham online, you've got to see it. It shows all the positions of The Million Dollar Bill being done.

by QuakerOtis August 18, 2021

Duck Bill

The act of head butting an individual or object whilst wearing a cap or hat with a rim.

Wow. I can’t believe he totally duck billed that guy/lamppost/dog/baby.

by The Phantom Duck Biller February 27, 2024