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Sarah zawjati

She's the greatest friend and wife you can ever have, she's funny and savage and has a spicy tongue.
You'll count on her on everything she's like the mom of everybody. But careful she can be aggressive she has the ability to bite and scratch so watch out for injuries.

Girl1:Omg this girl is angering me a lot
Girl2: don't worry we'll call Sarah zawjati she will fight with her, she can also bite and scratch !!

by Enezligh November 23, 2021

sarah gu

short asian girl, very short, midget, and also is always hungry, and wants food all the time

That "Sarah Gu" is always asking for food. It's so annoying.

by "I hunger for dick" December 30, 2017

Sarah Baartman

-Named Ssehura by her Xhosian parents
-She was born in 1789
-Her parents died shortly after birth
-Her husband was killed by dutch colonists when she was 16
-1810 she was taken to England "She was persuaded by an English ship's doctor, William Dunlop, to travel to England to make her fortune". "persuaded"? she was a servant, she didn't have much choice.
-Perverted doctor William Dunlop got her to sign stuff.
-"Dunlop put Sarah on display in London as a primitive phenomenon of nature, exhibiting her half-naked body to anyone who was willing to pay the one shilling admittance fee. For a higher price, the more affluent in society could touch her. Her large buttocks, in particular, were a point of interest. "
-She was taken to France in 1814
-Didn't have a great life there
-Died in 1815 due to a common illness or syphilis idk
-Her body was directed so she was still on showcase after her death
-She was taken down in 1974
And she was buried in 2002
212 years after she was born.

Sarah Baartman deserved better.

by Tylenolia July 19, 2022

Sarah Dunker

One of the most kindest, funniest, cutest and sweetest girl in Illinois. And maybe the whole MULTIVERSE.

Sarah Dunker is a amazing person.

by Null....11 August 26, 2019

Sarah Demicoli

People who who sprint warm up and the whole session and pretends they are good even though in races they do shit. They are also very two faced, fake and sometimes annoying, they will talk a lot with the coach and act as very nice with them and then talk behind his back to look good with the others. Being a Sarah Demicoli is never one’s choice but they do it unknowingly as they are loosing a grip from their team mates and have no other Option.

Is you see a Sarah Demicoli, approach with caution.

“Mark is being a Sarah Demicoli lately, he’s always telling on us with the coach. It’s so annoying!”

“Look at Him he’s sprinting the warm up. LOL, what a Sarah Demicoli.”

by Thicc Thicc daddy 29 February 12, 2022

Sarah Ann-Holt

One of the cutest people you will ever meet. She is a very seductive. She is always cracking jokes and is truly hilarious. She is really beautiful, even if she may not believe it. She has the most amazing hair and is the best person to spend your time with. The most huggable and lovable person you'll ever meet. You'll never forget the time you've spent with her. Her name means princess and she in hood terms would be considered a dollar because she is like ten dimes.

My bae is totally awesome. Her full name is sarah ann-holt and wooww is she perfect.

by KillahJay March 20, 2018

sarah brierley

Awesome, sweet, honest, intelligent,smart, and a boss

Girl- I have No, idea what to do with my homework

Girl 2- as Sarah Brierley she’s really smart :)

by BrierleyMiaqueen January 20, 2021