The lettuce game first came about at a BBQ in Tooting circa May 2022. It is believed it was used by a wise man to befriend/alienate a large group of people at a vegetarian social event. It is unknown exactly how it came about but the rules are clear. Two teams lineup against each other, with each player armed with a lettuce. One by one the players begin munching down on their lettuce once finished the next player in their team can begin eating their tasty lettuce. The winners are the team that finish their lettuce first. The game has become popular in social circles across south west London, it is thought by 2025 almost 20 people will have played the game.
Come on Rory, we could really do with an expert lettuce muncher like yourself to help us win the lettuce game.
a youtuber, who has a fat ass, his only friend is a girl named emily
Eno gaming is gay.
A word Toronto Maple Leaf stans here. Every. Single. Year.
Man 1: Hey you excited for game 7?
Man 2: ..Tor vs __?
Man 1: Yup!
Man 2: ..
How hard/strong you stroke in bed while having sex.
A Lyrical Artist that critiques the difficulties of their craft.
A Game Spitta- Lyrical Artist/Writer that is able to switch between any music style based on constructive criticism.
A game on the "Pro Games Player" console which consists of stacking soda cans.
"Especially when there are other such enticing titles on this console like Stub Game, or as I like to call it. STACKING FUCKING CANS." -JonTron, 2014