To smoke a cigarette/blunt/or any substance that will alter your state of mind, typically to improve your ability to complete an otherwise boring task. Typically something you would say prior to doing so. Basically the equivalent of "I'm going to excuse myself real quick to go out back/run to my car to smoke a cig/blunt/joint"
i.e. Go take a smoke break
Hey man can you watch the grill? Imma go get my mind right
Im gonna start cleaning up my station, just let me go get my mind right first
This means fuck my life.
Her: There was an accident.
Him: It’s not even winter yet.
Her: Fuck my ear.
I am skizzle in the UrBan dictionary to make this shirt and mug because i have nothing else to do anyways so this is for me and no one else and am getting it from here because i am poor so yes this is my shirt/mug stay mad be mad
I am skizzle in the UrBan dictionary to make this shirt and mug because i have nothing else to do anyways so this is for me and no one else and am getting it from here because i am poor so yes this is my shirt/mug stay mad be mad
when two people grind gears
“santi you should grind my gears”
“okay sabrina maybe i will😏”
to make a person SO ANGRY that their Gears are effectively Ground.
don’t Grind My Gears… you’re skating on thin ice