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a person who is extremely good looking

that guy's such a tron.

by brunoxy October 1, 2022


literally could be anything. a noun, verb, adjective, a pronoun, a proverb, literally anything.

"hey Tron, c'mere"
"that is so Tron"
"don't be Tron"
"that's a Tron"

by ifuckinglovemoms November 8, 2021


Someone who is annoying, weird, strange, dislikable, rates themselves, acts like they’re having a main character moment all the time, is exasperating, is rude and fake. Also just makes you cringe. Someone u also may have no viable reason to despise but do because they’re a tron.

Omg she’s such a tron. Tron me out. I’m so tronned out. This is a tron overload.

by Tronny tron May 25, 2022


The iconic quartet of Kenton School
Libby, Holly, Lola & Obi
basically a Tron is when a person is too iconic

Did you see what the Trons did today

by Obitron November 2, 2022


a man a great intellect tron is strong handsome smart and skilled at everything for instance tron shit on Dont-Test-sped56

that man is very tron

by Trron5365 April 30, 2023


(Noun) a reverse snort, as when laughing; (verb) to reverse snort

Megan tronsed so hard when she saw Max’s micropenis.

by Flamingle69 November 21, 2020


Add "tron" to the end of any word to make it more enthusiastic.

"OMG Tom is SUCH a bozotron."

by buckaroo10 May 27, 2023