literally could be anything. a noun, verb, adjective, a pronoun, a proverb, literally anything.
"hey Tron, c'mere"
"that is so Tron"
"don't be Tron"
"that's a Tron"
Someone who is annoying, weird, strange, dislikable, rates themselves, acts like they’re having a main character moment all the time, is exasperating, is rude and fake. Also just makes you cringe. Someone u also may have no viable reason to despise but do because they’re a tron.
Omg she’s such a tron. Tron me out. I’m so tronned out. This is a tron overload.
The iconic quartet of Kenton School
Libby, Holly, Lola & Obi
basically a Tron is when a person is too iconic
Did you see what the Trons did today
a man a great intellect tron is strong handsome smart and skilled at everything for instance tron shit on Dont-Test-sped56
(Noun) a reverse snort, as when laughing; (verb) to reverse snort
Megan tronsed so hard when she saw Max’s micropenis.