Harold is such a hyped up, bubbly, funny, and athletic friend he is also so caring and funny to his friends he cares and protects his loved ones and he is such a valued friend.
" Harold is a keeper" meaning he is so valued and so caring and a real friend to have.
A male version of a Karen (search up meaning of Karen... Also known as a Karen’s husband.
He does the same thing complain, never minds his own business and is a snitch
i Was having a good time with my friends and this Harold guy could not mind his own business so he reported us
Fucking fat nerd that plays rust all day. Like to eat dick and ass for a living, Has rust on uncensored mode that type of weirdo and it turns him on..... small brain.
"Yo that kid Harold is dog shit at valorant"
"Right... hes bronze...….."
"He also gets no bitches"
A 4th grader that with the help of his friend, George, turned their mean principle into a immature super hero
Who is Harold next to?
IDK. I think it's captian underpants
Harold is one of a kind. They specializes in arts and loves to cook and most importantly prefer horror, mystery, and thriller genre. Some days they're outspoken and lively yet mostly they feel left out , pessimistic and just plain tired. They love unconditionally and hates to disappoint everybody. They feel too much such as love , betrayals , hatred and may choose to keep quiet about it. They handle their problems independently and they are not afraid of cutting ties with people who are once a part of their life who brings toxicity that messes their head. If you've met someone whose name starts with H treasure them and make them feel love , they deserve it.
Me: Harold taught me how to love and accept rejections.