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Catholic Divorce

Is not an actual divorce, but a situation wherein two Catholics(very often Irish-Catholics) who should get a divorce refuse to on religious grounds (The Catholic Church does not allow for divorce). They end up living together but seperately in the same house. They will have seperate beds and rooms (on different floors if possible) and will keep their finances seperate. Everything but the couples eventually becomes seperated. The goal is to have as little of contact as possible with each other while technically still married, if asked those couples living under such conditions will say they are doing it, "for the good of the children." Which is a lie since there will be no divorce once the children leave and children will often advocate for their parents to legally divorce.

Did you know Jimmy's parents live in seperate parts of the house and have seperate banks accounts and barely even talk to each other?

Yeah, that is because they have a Catholic Divorce.

by Jersey5454 January 9, 2012

14๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Catholic Afterparty

10 big hot steamy men having sex

Yo are you in for the Catholic Afterparty?
Just keep that rosary away from my cheeks bro

by Big Chazza October 5, 2020

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Crystal Catholic

A catholic, usually a woman, who in addition to being a devout catholic, believes in some combination of faeries, ghosts, ley lines, unicorns, crystal vibrations and certain other new agey stuff that might otherwise make someone think she's into wicca. These women tend to collect lots of crystals, and or figurines/statuettes. Purple and pastels are popular in this croud.

I ran into my high school girlfriend. Yeah, the one who used to believe in witchcraft and shit. Yeah, she calls herself a traditionalist catholic now, but she's really into unicorns. I guess she became a CRYSTAL CATHOLIC.

by River Ratty January 18, 2009

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Catholic Priests

Queer Eye On The Altar Boy Guy

you know it's sad but true!

by damn fags July 21, 2004

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Catholic School

โœจ a waste of time โœจ
The teachers are a bunch of fads and have absolutely no clue on what they're doing. They just teach their for a pay check. They make you take these stupid religion classes which don't even mater btw since no one there gives a shit about God. It's so hard to make friends. It's rooted in hell

Catholic School hardly teaches you anything !

by jungkooksgf December 18, 2021

12๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

cafeteria catholic

A catholic who chooses to follow the correct doctrines of the catholic church, and choosing not to follow the pretty much ridiculous ones.

Silvio feels that gay people should have the right to marry, so he is a cafeteria catholic.

by Vito Antonio December 4, 2006

156๐Ÿ‘ 152๐Ÿ‘Ž

Catholic church

What liberals blame for world hunger and all other problems.
They call it racist even though every latino is catholic

Liberal: Dam it the catholic church made my car break down

by Vh levanta December 23, 2009

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