Source Code

Filthy Dubstep

Its what a robotic males sperm would sound like traveling from his robotic penis into the robotic female and meeting a robotic egg.

That dubstep was filthier that katie prices cunt. god i love Filthy Dubstep.

by ladofknowle March 4, 2011

32๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Filthy Hippies

What Eric Cartman likes to kill in South Park. Cartman was successful in killing the hippies in the South Parkepisode "Die Hippie, Die!" (with a Giant Drill)

Male Hippies are almost always barefooted and spout out gibberish about taking down Corporations while getting Intoxicated on Weed.(THE DEVIL'S CHIN HAIR!) They love to eat Brownies and will only drink "Fruitopia" Brand soft drinks.

Female Hippies burn their Bras (their A-Cup Bras) and prance around in Tiki Hawaiian-like dresses, while wearing beads and doing a strange intoxicated Arm dance, which can only be described as "Walking like an Egyptian", I guess?

Smelly Fuckin Hippies.com
tree hugging hippies
tree-hugging hippies
cops and hippies
kill whitey
abba & dancing queen
sir Elton John

by M. Mathers June 2, 2005

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Filthy Maitland

Introducing an Irn-Bru bottle up a lady's poontang with one hand while inserting the spare hand up the anus to remove the lid through the recto-vaginal wall. The liquid is then consumed direct as it gushes from the lady canal.

"I had just come back from a highland-flinging marathon and me lassie was demandng a wee bit of me caber. I was so thirsty i whipped out an irn-bru and gave her the old Filthy Maitland."

by olly connor May 17, 2008

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Filthy Robitussin

the act of coughing in one's vagina

Xavier: I gave your mother a filthy robitussin on 4:20.

Gibbsr: dang.

by Christian Gibbs April 26, 2006

25๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

filthy santa

on christmas you cover the floor with dirt (or danieles face) and you place your penis in her ass and you pull out and you take the shit thats on your penis and you put it in the milk by the fire place and santa has a nice surprise

one time my friend brian gave this women a filthy santa by placing a pail over her head because he didn't want to look at her and than she drank the milk ya know cuz daniele is gross ya know she looks like a human herpy ya know she smells like an elephants asshole ya know she likes to lick da trunk while gettin humped while watching forest gump ya know shes ugly like ass ya know

by mamoth milf balls March 19, 2008

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Filthy niggers

1.Those who have extreme diarrhea of the mouth

2.A dirty nigger or niglet
3.Someone who was guilty and somehow magically gets the all the charges of EVADING police dropped after leading long ass chase

Those Filthy Niggers like O.J. disgust me

by Matt DAMON-Team America June 23, 2009

180๐Ÿ‘ 84๐Ÿ‘Ž

Filthy Swine

A Large, Ugly, Obese thing. Usually eating everything, and carries 2 lunchs. (or more) Depends on fries to live.

That man with the 2 lunchs and a pound of fries, is a filthy swine.

by winetwine May 11, 2006

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