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A white male that looks/acts like a black gangster. White+Nigger=Wigger.

Person 1: Did you see Jimmy's new dreadlocks?
Person 2: Yeah! He's such a wigger!

by nicik March 11, 2008

5๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


its a racial term for a white person like nigger is for a black person. people shouldnt be judged and catagorized by their skin color like all black people dont live in the ghetto being thugz and pimps and white people should be skaters goths and preps. hey im white and all but just because i like rap and dont dress like a prep kid would dont mean i need some one sayin shit to me like im a wigger or cracker.i dont go around sayin shit to people like nigger to a black person because its wrong just like sayin wigger to a white person thats being who the way they r. We r all people and we should all be allowed to be who we r no matter what color you r. but yea some people take it took far when their only acting a certain way because they saw it on mtv thats and not being really true to themselves thats what a real wigger is. thats kinda of shit that gets people into the state of mind that we should have to limited to what we can do because of color if u want to be like that join the kkk.

wigger: hey nigga i just got some dope rims on my dads escalade like on they got on mtv.

by Mike Linton November 30, 2006

25๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž


There is 4 baisic definition's of the word "Wigger", "Wangsta", or "Wigga"...

The first would be what I would like to call the alibaster ghetto child category:
This person despite the fact that he is white was raised around predominantly Black's, or Hispanic's... Whether in his neighborhood, school, or even his own family, because I have known white children to be adopted by Black Family's...
Thus this child obviously being a product of his upbringing will be more connected to African American culture than the average Caucausion. He/She may find themselves more comfortable around Black people, may speak like the steriotypical Black, listen to the same music, Wear the same type of cloth's, and later in life be more sexual attracted to Black, or Latina women than his own race. This person is often more accepted by Blacks than Whites, and the majority of there friend's will be Black, becuase they understand, an have been raised in an African American Esque environment, thus they share the same tastes, humor, and experiences as them. They also usually find white custum's weird, an understand African American culture, an appreciate it more than there own. You cannot see one of thease right away. You must first know them. I personally fit into this category. I was born, and raised most of my life in Public Housing, but just recently thru my aunt moved to the suberbs.

The next one I would like to categorize asThe Hip Hop Head:

Despite the fact this child was never raised in predominantly Black, or Latina areas, he feels a strong connection with them, based on the fact he in his life may have suffered thru poverty, divorce, or drug addiction in the family, thus relates more to Hip Hop Music more than any other art form, giving him a stronger tie to African American's, and there culture than his white friend's, and family.
This person may just enjoy African American music... R&B, Soul, Jazz, & Hip Hop... A saying comes to mind... Hip Hop is not music, it is a lifestyle. This is true. If you listen to alot of Hip Hop, an im not talking about that mainstream garbage on the radio, but true Hip Hop from the streets. If you listen to Hip Hop, Hip Hop becomes you. You will wear Hip Hop, Speak Hip Hop, and think Hip Hop... This right here is the holy grail of a wigger, because they have immense cultural understanding and love of both White, an Black culture, despite never truly being part of Black culture... These are the people that if it was the slave day's would oppose, and abolish racism... Treating them bad is unaccaptable, because they are merely people who love all people, and culutures... I have a friend who goes by the Name Baller516, and he embody's, and lives this.

The next in line is "The Confused Child":
This wigger, although embody's a small part of the wigger population, is the steriotypical wigger that everyone say's that all wigger's are... This person was most likely raised in a upper class area, but during the teenage years hered Hip Hop music for the first time. Thease kids usually listen to artist's like D4L, or Dem Franchize Boyz, and other garbage like that. They see Rappers on TV for the first time. They then stand in the mirror, try to emulate them, start trying to understand there humor, and the way they live. Usually when a Black person comes around them, even if the Black person is an upper class "Preppy" person, they will try to speak more "Hood" to look cool. 90% of the time when they try to speak hood they sound pathetic, and funny, even to other wigger's, and it is obvious why, because people cannot live a lie, and try to be who they are not. Thease are the rapid transition kids... One day they are wearing Abercrombie, the next it's a fitted, and a long tee. Give this poor confused children time. They grow out of there obbsession with "Living Black" in at the most a few years, and then they will go back to normal. Alot of times thease kid's will try to prove how hard they are to everyone, thinking that all Black people are gangstas because they dont actually know any black people. They just emulate whats on TV. They try hard, but almost always fail... Like I said, give them time, and they will grow out of it.
Thease are easy to spot. They often go all out with the chains, and over baggy cloths just to prove how Black they really are. They usually have horrible English, and pretty much just act like faggots. Contrary to this, the other types of wiggers usually use good English, and have there own personal dress style, they don't copy someone else, cause it is truely who they are...
Wiggers like this truely fuck it up for the rest of the good ones that are just culture wise, aware, and accepting... If you embody this last category, please stop...Now. No one will like you, and other wiggers will not like you cause you are the steriotype that makes everyone hate them for no reason.
There is hope for thease... Thru being exposed to more African American Culture, and learning more about true Hip Hop, and listening to good Black music, not garbage that goes... "I have a big dick, im gangsta I ride rims hoe." Thease wiggers can possibly blossom into Hip Hop Head wiggers, although it is grim, and even under the best circumstances it is rare, nothing is impossible.

There is none... A wigger is a normal person. All people are different. Also for the record most wiggers use the N-Word less often than "Normal" white people, despite what there critics claim. Alot of thease people dont really know any wiggers, they just watch Malbu's most wanted, than laugh at every wigger they see, not bothering to talk to them, thinking they are all the same.

by JPP_Ressurected August 21, 2006

58๐Ÿ‘ 76๐Ÿ‘Ž


A white person attempting to emulate the hip hop culture. They may or may not be trying to be black. Most I've met know they are white, and accept it. When someone says, "That fucking wigger's tryin to be black", they are stereotyping not only wiggers, but black people too. Not every black person dresses thug folks. And everyone calls them wannabes, well there are white people in the hood who live the struggle, making them as much of a thug as anybody else who lives there. Keep it real,all my wiggers

Emo kid: That Jim, he's such a wigger!

Thug kid: Fuck you man, he's fo real, He reppin the 215

by playa4life March 1, 2007

22๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž


white people that want to be black and claim they r from da ghetto, hav an ak, and shoot people but hav never bin 2 da ghetto,
if u talk gangsta slang, drees gangsta style, rap but u r not black u r not a wigger

white kid: yo nigga sup, im black beeach
real nigga: fuck u fool, u wack, go to the syko doc.

by jei andrei June 22, 2005

62๐Ÿ‘ 85๐Ÿ‘Ž


The type of white who rock rocawear, coogi, g-unit, fubu, evisu, ed hardy, air force 1s, fitted caps. Many wiggers freestyle rap or rap along with the radio or a CD. Also a large percentage of this scum listens to a faggot bitch named Marshall Mather, aka fEminem. They often live in small towns, or suburbs. Although the more real wiggers who are more like niggaz live in real ghettos in cities like STL, Baltimore, ATL, NYC, Detroit, et cetera. Wiggers can be found in every city over 40,000 people in the USA. Many midwestern wiggers claim to be in GD. Also many small town white trash inbred hillbilly wiggers sell meth. At least 35% of wiggers have at one time been in a relationship with a black person. Wiggers can be found at bars, malls, Mc Donalds, and even in your own neighborhood.

wigger 1- "Uuuhh son, dat shit wuz off da hook!"
wigger 2- "Shit muh nig U no dat dem partayz on da norf side alwayz keep it poppin!"
wigger 1- "Fasho nigga, wurr we can get sum shit tuh grub on? I got hella munchies!"
wigger 2- "Yo nigga, lets go gank sum candy frum da dolla tree."
wigger 1- "A yo, I hurr dat shit mo fuka we rydin."

by diarena December 30, 2009

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Term used to describe a young caucasion, usually of middle-class background, who wishes to emulate the typical lifestyle, appearance and behavior found in American's heavily African-American populated inner city slums. Their recent growth in population can be attributed to the mainstream popularizing of ghetto culture by the MTV and BET networks. It is important to note the irony in these people not typically possessing the fortitude to actually step into in a inner city slum or so much as interact with an African American person.

I really wish that wigger would pull his oversized pants up to his waste.

by ringgoddess October 9, 2005

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