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super hot

Aubrey >everyone


by sage 🤬 September 9, 2021

1👍 10👎

aubrey nicole abreha

A norwegian female Rapper, singer, songwriter, and blogger.

OMG that girl's name is just like drake's first name Aubrey Drake Graham.
Damn Drake you got a twin sister in Norway called Aubrey Nicole Abreha

by katrine99 June 10, 2017

3👍 3👎


She’s the prettiest of them all . she knows how to dress and has the flyest fits whenever and wherever. She’s so unique in many different ways. She gets all the boys attention even though she rejects them all. Everybody wants to be her.

Bob: Who’s that pretty girl over there ? She fine asf
Bobbiana: Oh thats Aubrei, but don’t bother she wouldn’t even look your way.

by yafavoritelightskingall November 20, 2023


The most stunning amazing beautiful enchanting and perfect girl ever.She has 7 best friends but is friends with almost everyone and she is the smartest person ever.Einstein has nothing on her.She is a great friend with an amazing personality and a great sense of humor.She also has mysophobia.

Who's that beautiful girl?
That's AuBrei

by Carmenwinstead April 14, 2022

MLG Aubrey

The best MLG elephant out there. She’s super hot and her tail makes everyone go crazy as it falls from the sky. Her lands in the water are to die for.

“Did you see that flying tail from the sky attached to an elephant!”
“Yeah must be MLG Aubrey!!”

by MlgAubrey May 15, 2020

Aubrey hickman

The best person ever

Aubrey Hickman is the best *unlike some*

by I love ceiling fans May 18, 2021

aubrey magallon

aubrey is a very amazing person yeah she’s a lil simp but it’s fine, if you are friends her be grateful:)

hey do you know aubrey magallon ? yeah she goes to my school !! WOW U BETTER BE FRIENDS WITH HER OMG I LOVE HERRR

by deeznutsfoundlol September 17, 2021