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Ogl Baddie

The skill level or level of play required to be bad at everything: To be bad at everything you do. To not be good at anything in particular

Keevan Sharpe is an Ogl Baddie.
"Dude i 10-0`d you, your a Ogl Baddie."
"ur bad, period."

by Teh Baggins December 28, 2007

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Bad Baddie

a bad bitch

She’s a bad baddie 😎

by baddddddddbaddieeeee June 11, 2019

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Insta baddie

At the bottom of the food chain

They’re a insta baddie

by Wankknob January 25, 2021

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baddie b

baddie b is what you call your ibf and if you like them a lot

Mads: Hey baddie b

Samari: Heyyyy ibf
Zach: Wassup cheugs

by yogirlsha October 10, 2021

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rat baddie

someone who is a super cool baddie who likes rats and is overall just a cool person and a straight person shall not be called a rat baddie.

Tobi: Ryder is half a rat baddie
Ryder: omg thanks you to
Olivia: what about me am i a rat baddie
Tobi and Ryder: no
Olivia: aww
Tobi :omg the altimate rat baddie is coming
Addison: me
Tobi and Ryder: eww no not you
Olivia and Addison: rude
tobi : omg there they are Gglo

by Gglo kennedy January 28, 2022

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baddie from the block

someone who is the only attractive person (specifically a girl) in your neighborhood or someone else's.

yo shes a baddie from the block

by ur dad's prostate April 16, 2019

Paddy the baddy

Window licker

Paddy the baddy is a window licker

by WINDOW._.LICKER November 26, 2021

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